Break free of the chains keeping you trapped in living small, and step into a powerful creatrix who attracts limitless opportunities, experiences, and abundance. 

Feel healthy, abundant, and energized in your mind, body, and spirit as you activate your body’s “I Am Rich” codes to delete old draining patterns and experiences of scarcity and struggle. 

Bury the poverty princess who tells you making money is hard and life is meant to be a struggle, and shift into a Goddess who attracts opportunities and money so easily that it’s fun!

When you sign up for this immersion,

you'll receive immediate 90-day access to:

21 Cashed Up Goddess course lessons designed to help you transcend your inner poverty princess and allow in more abundance than ever before. Valued at $3997

1 Live Group Session to transmute restrictive values, beliefs and habits igniting you to flow into your lit-up life. Valued at $997


1 x Personalized 12-month Prosperity Report: Based on your birthday and location, this in-depth report will tell you exactly what energies you can leverage for success throughout the year. Valued at $1997


1 x Calm & Radiant Guidebook: Daily exercises to keep your wealth frequency high so you can experience abundance and peace no matter what’s happening around you. Valued at $797


1 x 15 min Safe to Receive meditation: Gain deep awareness of your power and purpose as you clear ancestral and subconscious blocks to receiving more abundance. Valued at $97

Your Investment: Only $497

For a limited time get $100 off!

Expires February 4, 2022 at 11:59pm

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Renita Canady

I’m a Transcendental Wealth™ Strategist and Intuitive Business Coach.

Desperately seeking to heal from my traumatic youth, I spent most of college meditating, hanging out at ashrams, and studying mysticism.

Then I started my career as an analyst and consultant.

I'd analyze investments and businesses by day and practice altered states of consciousness at night. I knew the power of the mind and tapping into my unlimited potential became an obsession (In the best way😅).

The result was a magical blend of practical mysticism that allowed me to manifest 4 dream jobs and $1 million in assets as an investor.

Today, I teach people all the strategies I learned for creating business opportunities coupled with research-backed tools to overcome self-sabotage and reprogram your subconscious for success.

Yet, the thing I’m most proud of is squashing the ‘you suck’ voice that lived in my head since I was a little girl.